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New York Trunk Show . November 3rd - December 25th


Introducing Anabela Chan at  FiveStory New York
18 E 69th St, Upper East Side, New York, NY 10021

We are excited to be represented by our favourite curated multi-brand boutique,  FiveStory New York as our first exclusive Stateside stockist.  

Shop our unique jewelry collections and enjoy an unforgettable experience in a beautiful, intimate and modern environment, bringing back the old-fashioned romance of retail experience.
Meet The Designer on Thursday, November 4th from 4pm to 7pm
& Shop the extended collections from our London Boutique at FiveStory from 3rd of Nevember to 25th of December, 2016.
FiveStory | 18 E 69th St, Upper East Side, New York, NY 10021
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