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Anabela Chan Joaillerie x Retail Summit Dubai Talk.

Building Sustainability Businesses: Because We Only Have One Planet.

Sustainability is here to stay. McKinsey recently reported that global sustainability investment has topped the $30 trillion mark. And that 70% of consumers would pay a 5% premium for a green product or service if it performed as well as a non-green alternative.

Now that consumers are voting with their wallets, investing in sustainability is a non-negotiable necessity for brands. 

But the headlines only paint part of the picture. Defining a retailer’s sustainability strategy requires a series of trade-offs. Carbon neutrality vs material selection. Profitability vs environmental impact.

We are delighted to have taken part in this panel session together with Charlotte Keesing, Director of Walpole, and Florence Bulte, Chief Sustainability Officer of Chalhoub Group. During the panel where we discussed: 

  • The benefits and opportunities associated with embedding sustainability into each element of the value chain 
  • Best practice in diversifying supply chains to minimise bottlenecks, improve carbon footprint and to meet Gen Z consumer expectations around environmental & employee welfare, transparency & traceability 

  • The challenges that retailers are encountering as they embark on the journey to replace single-use plastics with more sustainable and recyclable materials 

  • How to navigate the balancing act between profitability and environmentally responsible, ethical sustainability programs 

Anabela Chan Joaillerie x Retail Summit Dubai Talk



 Anabela Chan Joaillerie x Retail Summit Dubai Talk

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